Sunday, 4 February 2007

on the spot

I hope you like the picture above. This is the new rug my mummy has bought for the decorated sitting room. I like to sit on the rug, but I will only ever sit on the spots! As you can see, here are four spots. I don't feel safe anywhere else on the rug! Even if mummy picks me up and puts me in the middle of the rug I will always gravitate to one of the spots!


Anonymous said...

cool spots Padster. Will have to come and have a look. Its like the rug at my house-you will only ever lie on the blue stripes on that!

Anonymous said...

PURRR! that looks lovely!
My mummy won't put the rug out as she said she doesnt want to hoover it, whatever hoover is.
She said this after I said how lovely your rug was. That was just a few minutes before I decided to jump feet first into mummy's piping hot tomato and mushroom soup she'd spent 20 mins making last night. I don't think she will get a rug for a long long time.... yours admiringly, Monty B