Sunday, 19 November 2006

Today I went visiting

Mummy is a dirty rotten stop out! last night, she went somewhere, dressed up all nice and didn't come home until after midnight! she didn't bother feeding me or my sisters before she went, so we were all starving by the time she deigned to come home! I mean, how thoughtless is that?

As a result, she overslept this morning and didn't give us our breakfast until almost ten o'clock! yes, i know, we were fed late so what's the big deal you ask, but that's not the point! you know what i said about myself before, i am always thinking of my stomach and where my next meal is coming from!

She got the hoover out then, and i really hate that, it disturbs my sleep and means i have to keep moving from one chair to the next in case she tried to get me with it.

Afte she had done all that cleaning stuff she pretends she loves to do on sundays, she decided to visit other mummy for a coffee as she had run out of milk. Then for some strange reason, she decided to take me with her. She carreid me round there in her arms af if i was some bloody dog or something! she wouldn't let me go and i wanted to sniff the trees as we went past. i didn't like the cars, they were scary and then there was the main road. it made me want to cry!

We got to other mummy's house and then i had to deal with the Dennis again! i don't mind him as i said, but they wouldn't let me play in the garden in case i ran away or got lost or something, i mean, as if! So all the others were out playing and i was in with mummy and other mummy. I didn't mind this as i got lots of fuss and some ham...i love ham!

Molly came in then and we had a little hiss and growl at each other and i got shouted at for being grumpy and unfriendly. it's not my fault if i'm sulky is it? I then got ar ide in the yellow peril home which i like, except i kept losing my balance and nearly falling over.

That was the extent of my weekend, but at least i got to see my oscar!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Paddyebeenezer. It was nice to see you today. Will you help me get more assertive with my Staff please. She thinks I am sweet which will not do.