Wednesday, 15 November 2006

the importance of colour.

When it comes to colours, I think they are very important and a good indicater of character. Take my sister Lola for example, she is beautiful (not that I am biased of course). She is tabby and white like me, but unlik me, evreything about her colouring is symetrical. She has this black line, divider as it were down her back, and a kind of seam in the centre of her tummy. This completely divides in half the perfection of her brownish greyish tabbiness.

Then there's pixie, she is also tabby, but a different kind. She is black and brown and cream and she looks almost like a cheetah and she has no white.

Then, finally, there's me. I come in every cat colour under the sun, black, brown, cream, grey and a lot of white. Then, finally, the ever expanding area of ginger! Is it this multitude of colours which makes me such a mixed up cat like I am in terms of my gender? who knows. There's Lola, the sensible intelligent aloof one, pixie the childish fun loving one and then there's me, I can never make up my mind what kind of mood I am in.

if you can't work the cat colourings out, then there's no chance with the humans! My mum is always changing the colour of her hair and it really is disturbing. There's been this purple colour, she's now got these blonde bits which i think have made her go a bit funny in the head.

The other night, she came in from her work thing and was opening the letters. she then started running around the house and shrieking like a mad thing. then my other mummy came round and they rang these people and were talking about identity fraud and bogus applications for credit cards. apparently someone had stolen all my mum's personal details and made this application in her name.

After about ten minutes of snarling on the phone she apparently realized that it wasn't a fraud thinkg like she thought, but it was her who made the application in the first place! so how do you figure that one out then?

So, it just goes to show, how important colour is in determining our characters!

1 comment:

Mermaid of Moorgate said...

Hello Paddy Ebenezer. Do you know you are going to get a cousin very soon? He is extremely little. In fact, only yesterday he opened his tiny eyes for the first time.
I told this to your uncle Laurence. He emailed back: "I open my eyes every morning and you don't see fit to send an email round about that."
Humph. Carry on camping!!