One of the main things which sent her scurrying away was the behaviour of a strange lady on Saturday night. This lady came wandering out of her house at about midnight in her dressig gown and was wandering up and down the middle of the road singing hymns at the top of her voice. She then started screaming and shouting things which mummy said were racialist abuse! Mummy said she was drunk. Because she and other mummy were out looking for Lola they had to keep hiding so the strange lady wouldn’t see them!This made Lola so afraid of things that she went into one of the garages in the scary dark place to hide and couldn't find her way out. She slept a little and hid in among some bags of cement. She did cry out a number of times when she thought she heard mummy calling for her, but mummy didn't find where she was. Poor Lola was really upset. On Sunday morning, she again heard mummy and other mummy looking for her and called out to them. Then a big scary man in a van turned up and started banging really loud. Mummy told us that he was using a sledge hammer to break the padlock off the door. This really frightened Lola who burrowed her way into one of the bags, so much so that when other mummy went into look for her, she was far too scared to come out and they couldn’t find her. Probably just as well, as mummy said the man was really frightening! Fortunately, when the man shut the door again, he didn't do it properly, so that when it was dark and quiet, Lola was able to wriggle out and find her way home, very dirty, tired and hungry. She then went to the vets lucky thing. As for me, I had great adventures roaming everywhere and jumping out of alley ways far away from home eating food from food bowls which aren't mine and climbing over rubble in gardens to lay and hide. The best thing was jumping out on other mummy through a hole in the fence, it really made her jump!I did get mistaken for Lola though a number of times. Mummy had put posters up asking if anybody had seen a tortoiseshell and white cat with a pink collar, I am tabby and white and have a pink collar! I was captured by one of the neighbours and shut in their sitting room, the flat really smelled of old people and wee. I was so glad when mummy came to get me!
Really, do you think I look anything like this? Compare the two pictures and you will soon see how daft it was! Although my sister Lola is pretty, I am far more beautiful don’t you think?
and this one is Lola!
I have also been injured. You know I blogged about my PMT a few weeks ago, I can now tell you that my neighbour told tales on me about what I have been being fed, lightly fried cod, beef, chicken etc. I got into a row with one of the other cats, Sparky or Freddie didn't do it but one of the other houses I go to. I had a big bloody scratch on my nose and now it has a scar. It makes me look well tough, except I'm not! So, as you can see, it's been a busy time and I haven't been able to blog. My Oscar also came to visit briefly on Wednesday night, he walked round the road following mummy all the way home without her noticing. He then ran around the close refusing to be caught, he is so naughty!
i love to be naughty!
Dear Paddy, I think you were SO BRAVE! you were obviously looking for Lola as well, so far from home, and that was a very nice thing to do. x
hello paddy luvly to here from yoo aygen. i will reed yore blog slowlee and carfullee and cach up on everything. have yoo herd bout oscars staff she has fallen down and hert her rist ver ver badlee cos hoomans only work on 2 legs.
tork soon. biggles der top cat
gosh pady wot a lot is happening. I did not realise that osckers' staff woz yore second mum. How cum you can have too mum's?? thats lots.
well, lola showed herself too bee not ver clever reely. i sticks to my territtorr, gards it propperly and does not go ferther. my dad sez they wonce had a cat corled Rex hoo woz autistic and he went rong out der frunt daw and was missing for fore weaks!!! they found him up the road and across the road (what ever that meens), he was very greatfull and had 3 suppers when he cum home.
I is very sorry bout oskers' staff falling over but humans is yoosless like that but i think it is ver ver bad that yoo got yore supper so late. my bruv danl sez that the starff will have to wotch that the blud flo throo her rist (what ever that is) must not get less or it might orl fall off!!! or sumthing like that.
my advise to yoo and lola and osker is that yoo shood just stick too yore own territtorree and stick too a nice bowl of hills sigh-ens food.
ps. yoo and lola doo look a bit the same and also similar.
halo paddy, wot a most intresting storee yoo told me. i has arsked my dad and he sez that sandwich is a plaice (cor!!! i did'nt know that, i thort it woz just something hoomans eight)ware they went to stay. it was a sink port but they mooved the see without telling the peeple!!!! yes, my dad says that ham is very near and there yoosed to be a road sine saying to ham sandwich (He larfed at this but I do'nt gettit).
I ver much like the storee of how you cum to be with your mum and how yoo have too mums!!! we orl cum from mr mayhew home, rspca, when we woz kittens and sick in the hospital, we orl cum to our big hous in lunden ware we has lived. i is now number three in the pecking order cos danl and zo do'nt live hear no more. danl was number 3 and i was fighting zo for a long time over hoo woz 4 but in the end i one!!! and now she only visits with allstairs to be on her side.
my dad arskes how long yoo have to be on probation befour you get a proper job (he larfing at this and think he very clever (not!!!)- dont' get it). their is a ladee necks door wot doo probation things two!!!
anyweigh, dad sez bugger off cos he editing a feesis for munny and uther doc-you-ments. Glad yoo not a epidemic like oscers' mum. how is her arm now and i hope she not drunk no maw?
yore wise old frend biggles top cat.
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