Tuesday, 29 April 2008

But I thought Biggles was a cat!!

I am extremely confused, (doesn't take much, I know). Blind mummy and Oscar's mummy (have been talking all weekend about their adventures as biggles at the weekend in the sky! I don't understand what they mean as I thought Biggles was my ginger penfriend cat from London. Now they are talking about having flown in the sky in a small plane like Biggles did! Did you fly Biggles, please help me to understand.

Here is a picture of the plane they said they flew in.
Doesn't look much like a cat to me!


Mermaid of Moorgate said...

It's plane to see that you are young, but you will learn.

Biggles said...

This is the propper Biggles hear. No I duz not flye!!! I is the reel Biggles and wot blind mummy and blind drunk mummy woz dooin woz flying in a smorl plain and their is a not reel karakta in a book corled fickshon (this is maid up staw-rees for fick peepel) wot has a pye-lot corled biggles. he is, of coarse, like mee, ver ver brave and orl that but he is not reel and troo like wot i is. yoo sea pady wen yoo has a mum wot is blinde and won wot is neerly blinde without her lenses in and is yoojoolee blinde drunk and forlin over and brakin her arm and orl that - not that i wont too menshon thees things, then yoo is lible to get yoosless informayshon wot doo confuse a yung cat like wot yoo is.

From Biggles the reel top cat age 12.

Biggles said...

halo padee, well, no, ackshirley the books wot yoos my name is not about sumthink as intersting as a top cat garding his territtorree but abowt a pye-lot wot flys around in sumthink corled the ferst werld wor and hunts somethink corled the hun. it doe'snt sound ver intersting too mee. but biggles is such a brillant name that lot's of peepel wont too yoos it, sea?